
Heathfield Farm is a place that takes special care to include everyone, whatever their ability. Nothing is rushed, nothing is forced, and nothing is perfect.

We offer a range of activities including:


— Activities —


Our growing field is the main focus of the farm. Its polytunnels, raised and no-dig beds, and other vegetable plots require a lot of hard work to maintain.

The benefits to our physical and mental health gained from spending and time outdoors and doing a regular spot of gardening are well documented, it helps people to destress, relax and feel more connected to nature. Group projects foster greater teamwork and cooperation.

We work outside in wind, rain, or shine. There are jobs for everyone, regardless of ability. Everyone can enjoy the satisfaction planting a seed and feeling the reward of nurturing a plant and watching it grow. Everything on site is grown using organic principles.

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We eat together every day and whenever possible, we cook with the fresh produce grown on site. Eating together gives people the chance to try new food, learn about healthy eating and appreciate the end result of their hard work.

Lunch time at the farm provides an opportunity for people to create friendships by sharing stories and talking about their day.

We encourage people to suggest recipes to try and aim to cook meals that can be replicated at home. This enables people to become more independent and self-sufficient. Heathfield Farm has a reputation for welcoming its visitors with amazing cake – we even host our own Bake-Off.

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Woodwork & Site Maintenance

We have a ‘make do or mend’ ethos at Heathfield Farm. Repurposing wood and other materials for our DIY projects reduces waste and challenges people to think outside the box.

Woodworking helps with the development of practical and communication skills. It encourages problem solving, uses basic maths and it’s also a great way to improve, coordination and dexterity.

There’s always an ever-increasing list of things that need doing to assist with the evolution of our site and completion of these tasks provides a huge sense of achievement.

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Many individuals with autism and other disabilities are visual thinkers and being able to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings through art and other creative outlets can provide a sense of relief and accomplishment.

Some of our recent projects include making seasonal and themed decorations and wreaths, card making, painting garden signs, wool crafts, wall mural painting and nature crafts. We’ve even experimented with paper making!

We firmly believe in the therapeutic benefits of engaging in creative activities and recognise the positive impact they can have on an individual’s physical and mental well-being.

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